Thursday, September 5, 2019

Responsibility as a Tour Operator ...

We as a tour operators, think that a state chapters National and state Associations has a big role to play in the tourism industry to promote and as well as to help creating jobs for the new comers, associations has to come up with the plan of action to talk with state govt. in developing the Tourism infrastructures and to safe guards the historical places, in an opinion all the associations should come together on one platform to do something for the industry despite of the different views and opinions.
As we see in our country tourism will grow in the years to come, the number of long haul tourists coming to India is significantly low as of now. However, the numbers which shows 10 million in a govt. data is quite a shame, considering the size of the country and potential we have. 

Tourism ministry has to said that India is a so vast that there will be something new for everyone to see and experience in this country with its varied geography, culture, traditions, architectural marvels and Religion, but nothing to be seems on the ground and with the dreams is concerted work of making tourism happen and making it an engine for economic growth has to start robustly.

Our e-visa is a great game changer as of now, because there is no other country in the world which has opened up to as many countries as we have. If all the associations together comes up with the plan of action, the days are not far, it will be a silent revolution waiting to happen and will trigger a lot of tourism activities across the state as well as the country.

On the other hand all the associations should sit back to talk with the govt. in regards of the taxation to fix, the country is perceived to be an expensive destination, despite of the amendment for billing on actual invoice. Firstly we need to get away with the high taxation percent and then bring our taxation regime in line with competing destinations.

On the other side , what the stakeholders should always bear in mind is that growth come with responsibility and always tourism gets affected whenever something goes wrong in the social political or economic front. But the industry has shown amazing resilience and bounced back each time like we have big example is Kerala, but the current threat in other states, that would not be that easy to tackle, it is very serious as reported by concerned. 

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