
Role of Mind Power in Achieving Success

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Mind rules the thoughts and thoughts rule the world. This phrase distinguishes thoughts and their actions. It is matter of fact that mind rules your body and the body directs your actions. We some time unknowingly do things where our body doesn’t allow us to do but our mind orders and regulates a person with good intellectuals listen to his mind and works through his heart. As it is certainly quoted that ‘great mind create great conventions’. A certain thought is transformed into an action by the command of the mind each and every deed or simplest action we take in our daily lives is organized by our mind. Mind is the cynosure of all “KARMAS”. The success and the failure of an individual is entirely connected with the thoughts of his mind. A positive thought lead a person long way supporting a good frame work mind is a superpower which creates wonders and blunders. It is one which enables you to rule the world. There is no such thing in the world or in the universe as the mind of the human being which travels long way in just seconds where even the latest technology could not even think about it. Every individual co ordinates and visualizes his activities with the imaginative power of mind when a honest thought beholds your mind. The relationship between the success and failure rests with optimum utilization of the mind. When the work goes on systematically with an extraordinary zeal you reach the edge of accomplishment when an objective is worked on in determinant manner they lead to the height of success.

So unconditionally your mind contribute to the variations in success, mind power is an extravagant and precious gift of God at all the living being on the earth. People make great efforts to balance there mind power with the help of mediation, with some body exercises and with certain puzzling games etc. a successful person has a deep faith in actions of his mind whatever he does he stands by it and in any uncertain circumstance tries to hear the risk to site and example of an specialized usage of mind by people is the grand master of chess who has justifies his power of mind. Every common man have such a power there is a need for every person to energies the power hidden in his own mind and if a common man does this world would be heaven to live in. because mind power solves many of the human problems as it promotes internal development of an individual to cultivate his mind in innovative activities. Such a person obviously would lead his journey to the path of success and achievements.          

A Small Beginning!


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For a successful living in life it is important to be committed and very much passionate about our dreams. Live life to the fullest because it will never come again to make you the part such a wonderful land of generosity and auspicious tradition ‘Hindustan’ where everything is so pure and righteous. People here are happy in there own ways of living. They live life for others to make others happy. People all over the world call this country a land of perfect culture and tradition “Asia Desh Hai Mera“ fits perfectly to say that I am a drop in this ocean of great people. We have everything which can imagine to see in this whole world, every area of our country has different languages, different food to explore, different slang of talk, different mode of transport, what not we have, But...

Our politicians, people who are having power in their hands and people of communal thinking are making a mess because of which we are losing our tourists and the respect in other countries, we lost our tourism culture.

Today the situation in country is worse than that in post independence period where at least there was a sense of unity and patriotism in people. But today’s globalized Indians, technological advancement, competition in every field have made people more busy and hectic in their schedules that they have no time to spend on thinking about the people around them. Our country is known for its unity in diversity but we have lost the essence of this saying in past.

The condition today is even though we are nearer to be a developed country in some years. The distribution of income is unequal and the quality of employment is deceleration drastically even though our growth rate is increasing tremendously but on other side poor is becoming worse and rich the more wealthy. Today we are the fastest growing economy in the world and our industrial sector is developing like never before but is every Indian happy and facilitated? We will never find answers to such questions unless each and every Indian feels good about our country and tries to bring back the charm of our country among ourselves in our country. We are adopting western culture but it should not replace our culture, thoughts should never be changed according to the culture. We are no more can wait for right person to manage our country we need to make things right in our own surrounding. I have written this because I strongly feel we seriously need to think about our country from where we got our identity. It is always a new enthusiasm to know and cherish about the country and to tell others that how great is our country every time I think about his country it is always very incomplete without proper knowledge and awareness of our history. Every time a new desire drops up to raise our country to new heights but it is not with only one or two drops you need the whole ocean and complete passion to do so. For every country to develop, it needs good people and people who are extremely passionate. People who for truth and honors safe, stand fast and suffer long. Our country as compare to the whole world has average population of age group of 20-35 years that means we are the youngest of all the nations.

So we need to deliver the kind of energy and caliber a youth should. The only strange feeling noticed in today’s young generation is that as soon we speak of our country and problems of our country there is no serious thought over it, or busy in their own life, is our country problem not our own, why do we hesitate to discharge our duties towards our country, when we enjoy all the rights. There is no need to do something extra except identifying and doing our duties honestly with sincere efforts. My request o youth is to only know about our country base, our history well. Every minute happening in our country and even share knowledge with our elders, and try to contribute in your own ways in which ever field we are engaged helping and understanding each other in our surroundings. Many youngsters feel that history is outdated, but we need to know our base, sorry to hear that most of us do not know our own history properly, now you may say what if we study history how can we change things around, then my answer would be that our epics are the great oceans of knowledge for us. Our epics and Upanishads are being lead by people all over the world and we ourselves are not aware of our own epics. Our history is popular all over the world and people are learning good lessons from them and trying to adopt our culture but we being Indians are not aware of it. It needs a lot of courage to start anything new which is not been done before, which so pure not for sake of others but for the sake of yours own self to make a living meaningful on this earth. So friends dream about a great country which has lost its charm and needs attention of millions of its own people try and to your best for the country and its people because being and Indian is itself a pride.

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